Aama Bombo

Buddhi Maya Lama
Religion Buddhist
Nationality Nepalese
Born Melong, Nepal
Senior posting
Title Aama Bombo

Buddhi Maya Lama, or Aama Bombo as she is also known, is a spiritual leader and Shaman who was born in Melong, Nepal. Aama gained international recognition as a healer and resides on the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers - a group of spiritual elders, medicine women and wisdom keepers.[1]


Early life

Aama was born into a poor family of Tibetan ethnicity in Melong, Nepal. Aama had yearned to be a Shaman, like her father, from the age of five. However, the Tamang tradition of not allowing women to practice shamanism was continued by Aama's father, a well-known Shaman and so Aama's interest in such practices were restricted.[2]

Crisis and Transformation

Aama married had turned 16 and had moved to Kathmandu, Aama's father died at the age of 80 soon after her move.[3] As an adult, continued with her life as normal until, at 25 years old, she began to suffer from curious convulsions. People speculated that Aama might be suffering from a mental disorder and were concerned for her. However, after Aama was taken to see a Buddhist Lama fourteen months later, the Lama recognised that her 'complaint' was actually her deceased father trying to work through her. It transpired that, even though her father was against women becoming involved in shamanism during his life, in death he had chosen to work through his daughter - due to not being able to find anyone worthy enough to receive his spirit.[4]

Work as a Shaman

Aama has become so well known and popular as a Shaman that she is also known, not as her birth name Buddhi Maya Lama, but as Aama Bombo which translates as mother shaman. Her popularity as a healer transcends all barriers in Nepal. Aama happily works from early in the morning healing poor people as well as rich and heals over 100 people every day. Aama has been popular assisting many of the members of the Nepalese Royal Family.[5]

During Aama's work as a healer, she channels the spirits and deities of her father, Kali, Hanuman-ji, nature spirits and many gods and goddesses from the water, sky, land, the above world and underworld.[6]

Prophesies and Predictions

Aama also has the gift of prophesy. She successfully predicted the massacre which ended the Royal Line of Nepal.[7]

The International Council of 13 Grandmothers

In 2004, Aama was approached by The Center for Sacred Studies to serve on the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. These thirteen Grandmothers are internationally known Keepers of Wisdom, Medicine Women and Shaman and come from all four directions of the world.[8]

The Council has been active in protecting indigenous rights and medicines, promoting ancient wisdom. The Grandmothers have also petitioned the Roman Catholic Church to revoke a 15th Century Papal bull and related edicts which brought about a culture of 'rape and run' culture when new lands have been discovered. The Grandmothers have visited the Vatican City in order to hand-deliver their request. However, these medieval decrees still yet to be revoked.[9]


  1. ^ Schaefer (2006) p.2
  2. ^ Schaefer (2006) p.83
  3. ^ For the Next 7 Generations
  4. ^ For the Next 7 Generations
  5. ^ Schaefer (2006) p.84
  6. ^ Schaefer (2006) pp.84-85
  7. ^ Schaefer (2006) p.84
  8. ^ Supriano, S, (2009-04-06)
  9. ^ Capriccioso, R, Jul 17, 2008


External links